Training: Basic Selling Skills

Qiimo Dhimis 50%
Qiima dhimista course kani waxa uu dhamaan doonaa 30 November 2021,
Fadlan hore uga faa’idayso inta ay socoto qiimadhimista boqol kiiba 50% ka ah,
oo baro xirfada Iibinta.
00 Days
00 Hours
00 Minutes
00 Seconds
Objectives of the Course: At the completion of this training, the participants will be able to:
Improve selling skills and communications
Understanding and practice the selling process
Become excellent sales person by making deals and creating relational sales
Course curriculum
Course Intro
02 About the Training
03 Training Contents
4 Importance of Trust in Selling Anything
5 What is Selling
6 Relational vs Transactional Selling
Lesson 1 Introduction Presentation.pdf
Lesson 1: Quiz
7 What do Customers Care About
8 Importance of Differentiation on Selling
9 Trusted Advisor
Lesson 2 Facts About Sales Presentation.pdf
Lesson 2: Quiz
10 The Psychology of Selling
Lesson 3 The Psychology of Selling.pdf
Lesson 3: Quiz
11 Before Selling
12 The Selling Process
Lesson 4 Introduction to The Sales Process.pdf
Lesson 4: Quiz
13 Elements of Preparation
14 80 by 20 Rule
15 Basic Visit Structure
Lesson 5 Presentation.pdf
Lesson 5: Quiz

About this course
- $50.00
- 48 lessons
- 2.5 hours of video content
Pricing options
Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.
Regular price